a design roots valentine's day

With Valentine’s day coming right around the corner, we know how hard it can be to come up with different gifts for those you love. We have curated some items that would be so fun for decorating your home or giving as gifts for others (or yourself) that all relate to our love of plants and the outdoors.

First up, we have some gorgeous faux plants on the list because we GET the struggle of keeping plants alive. The fake ones can be just as beautiful and way less of a headache. The beautiful eucalyptus can be used in vases galore to add a little green to your space. A faux flower bouquet in a planter create a splash of color to your heart and your home.

Let’s talk about this Glossier lip balm. This stuff is THE stuff. Here at Design Roots, we swear by it, and wouldn’t be caught dead without it! The best part - it’s only $12!!

Valentine’s Day is known for being a flower gifting holiday. That’s why we’ve found some options for a beautiful vase to put them in or the perfect container for succulents! How many times have you either been given flowers or bought some for yourself (no shame), and then not had the right vase for them, so you stuck them in a mason jar? Guilty as charged. These options will be the gift that keeps on giving for Valentine’s days to come.

Another gift that everyone can enjoy - the gift of a beautifully scented home. This diffuser uses dried flowers to add to the beauty of a good smell. There is nothing better than this combo (in our very unbiased, plant-loving opinion).

What will you be wearing this Valentine’s day and throughout the month of February? There is something about this month that screams pink. We found this super cute, and really soft sweater that is the perfect pink and perfect thickness for this time of the year. To go with the pink sweater, hearts always seem like the right idea. These earrings are the perfect amount of festive and subtle all in one.

Lastly, there’s the hint of spring and fresh colors and blooming plants and flowers in the air. And with a new season, comes the need for new decor for your front door! This wreath will provide the elegance of the high class person you are, as well as the fresh color and fun that is perfect for the season.